1/21/08: The President has been inaugurated. A new era is coming... great change is upon us. But what will this change be? For us in the world of LotR: Conquest, that change is DLC which will be coming very soon! Conquest has released with mixed reviews and mediocre scores, but we here at CM are still glad to be able to play the game and bring info to you. If you have the game and want to talk about it, head to our forums, or maybe you're interested in buying the game? Then look around for info on what you need to run the game and what it will have. In this update Cheeky posts his review of Conquest which is enormously helpful, we give you reviews from major gaming sites, and highlight what we will see in the next month or so.
12/26/08: Merry Christmas everyone! Boy do we have some great gifts for you. Not only is a PSN demo available, one for Xbox 360 is on the way. We will also be handing out awards to the members who participated in our Christmas festivities, and our very own ThElderGod has published a magazine known as The Manian Review. In this magazine you can read interviews and previews about various things occuring in the community.
12/7/08: Christmas time is here! We've had a lot of new info on Conquest, including a release date which we have wanted for quite a long time. Please look around our site and check out some of the new features, and head over to the forums to participate in community Christmas events.
11/22/08: Thanksgiving break is here at last, at least for those of us in the US. There's nothing special in this update, but we've added a new preview and a Contact Us page.
11/13/08: Good news, we have updated the outdated pics with new ones, all with labels, credit to blackkfox. We have also updated our blog with an interview with our very own ThElderGod about Fable 2.
11/11/08: There must have been some kind of divine intervention, because we finally got off our asses and worked on the website! We have added several new things, updated the FAQs and Release date pages, as well as changing my avatar (), plus a new banner created by Haldir'sBestMate, in addition to a blog update by Cheeky Hobbit and what we think of the game. In other news, Conquest had been DELAYED from Fall 2008 to Winter 2009.
11/5/08: I have been gone for quite a while, and for this I apologize. We now have a ton of new stuff on the site, so please, check it out and tell us what you think on our forums.
10/26/08: Community Day has come and gone, and with it, we have recieved a lot of new info. Please visit our new "confirmed features" page to see just what you'll be getting with Conquest! Updates to the site will come every 2-3 days from this point on. Cheeky Hobbit is on vacation in Berlin, however he will be returning soon. Thank you for your continued visits to our site.
10/17/08: We've added a forum, and updates to the Videos and Pictures section will be daily. A new "Interviews" and "Previews" sections will be added soon. My favorite new thing that we will be adding is a confirmed info page, which will let you know everything that will be in the game. This includes hot topics such as the release date, the class system, maps, and more. All information will be based off of interviews and direct comments from Pandemic and the Devs. I hope you enjoy the features of our site and keep coming back!
10/15/08: Welcome to the site! As of now a lot of things are missing, but we plan on updating the site with new features such as interviews, previews, videos, screenshots, and more. We also plan on building an offiste forum that you can join quickly. The most recent news will appear at the top of this page, while the oldest news is at the bottom.
10/15/08: The Community Day event, a day where devs will answer many questions from a small group of people, will be rolling around soon. On October 25th, PinkSage, a dev from Pandemic, will answer a large list of questions assembled by us, the community. The thread is here if you're intrested: http://www.pandemicstudios.com/community/viewtopic.php?id=13554&p=1